The most effective
online recovery program
for burnout & chronic stress

The most effective online recovery program

For burnout & chronic-stress

When you find out you’re experiencing (job) burnout or chronic stress, you just want to go back to a light, stress-free life, as soon as possible. But how do you do that?

You can recognize burnout or chronic stress by:

Herstelprogramma Burnout

You often feel down or even depressed without reason and constantly ask yourself why it is suddenly so difficult to just feel ‘normal’.

Herstelprogramma Burnout

You experience anxiety or panic at moments that normally wouldn’t cause this. There seems to be something wrong with you.

Herstelprogramma Burnout

You have the feeling that you have lost control and direction over life. It almost seems like “someone else” controls what happens to you.

Herstelprogramma Burnout

Planned activities feel like ’too much’ for you and can cause anxiety. You notice you want to stay at home more often.

That’s why you want your mind and life to return to a ‘normal’ state. But often there are 3 things standing in the way:

Herstelprogramma Burnout

You don’t really know what to do to get better. You want to do something, but what?

Herstelprogramma Burnout

You might have access to a therapist, but a session once a week is too little guidance. You need answers every day.

Herstelprogramma Burnout

You feel like you’re on your own. Why isn’t anyone coming to help you?

These things turn your recovery process into an exhausting, frustrating and sometimes even scary quest. It feels like you’re lost more often than you know where you are going. And as a result, your recovery takes longer than necessary.

When you realize you are experiencing (job) burnout or chronic stress, you really only wish for one thing: a light, happy life, as soon as possible. But how?

You can recognize burnout or chronic stress by:

  • Feeling Down/Depressed

    You often feel down or even depressed without reason and constantly ask yourself why it is suddenly so difficult to just feel ‘normal’.

  • More anxiety/panic

    You experience anxiety or panic at moments that normally wouldn’t cause this. There seems to be something wrong with you.

  • Experiencing a loss of ‘control’

    You have the feeling that you have lost control and direction over life. It almost seems like “someone else” controls what happens to you.

  • Activities & dates are ’too much’

    Planned activities feel like ’too much’ for you and can cause anxiety. You notice you want to stay at home more often.

If you notice this is going on with you, you wish nothing more than your mind to function ‘normal’ again. And just live your life without the anxiety, without restrictions, without the gloom.

But probably there’s three things standing in the way:
  • You don’t really know what to do to get better.

    You are not really sure what is going on with you, or what is the solution to make it go away. You want to do SOMETHING, but what?

  • You might have access to a therapist, but a session once a week is too little guidance. You need answers every day.

    You see your psychologist (if you are already past the waiting lists) at most once a week. And that while you are currently struggling with questions and uncertainties every day.

  • You feel like you’re on your own.

    There are all sorts of weird and scary things going on with your mind right now. Why is there no one that takes you by the hand or comes to help you?

These things turn your recovery process into an exhausting, frustrating and sometimes even scary quest. It feels like you’re lost more often than you know where you are going.

And as a result, your recovery takes longer than necessary.


That’s why we founded Camp Burnout

An online program that helps you get back to a lighter and easier life as soon as possible. The best support for (job) burnout).  Just on your mobiel phone.

  • We help you to make sure your mind will function ‘normally’ again

  • We show you the way to your normal, light life

  • We give you the tools and techniques to shorten your recovery time

  • We helpen je weer houvast en controle over je leven te krijgen

  • We give you simple tools to experience more peace and less stress right now

That’s why we founded Camp Burnout

An online program that helps you get back to a lighter and easier life as soon as possible. The best support for (job) burnout).  Just on your mobiel phone.

  • We help you to make sure your mind will function ‘normally’ again

  • We show you the way to a ‘normal’, light life

  • We give you the tools and techniques to shorten your recovery time

  • We help you regain grip and control over your life

  • We give you tools and insights to experience more peace and less stress right now

‘I’m so glad I discovered Camp Burnout. Finally a plan to be a better version of myself. There is light at the end of the tunnel again.’


‘I’m so glad I discovered Camp Burnout. Finally a plan to be a better version of myself. There is light at the end of the tunnel again.’


Herstelprogramma Burnout

‘Finally, a plan to get better!’

‘Finally, a plan to get better!’


Step-by-step recovery program

The step-by-step program gives you guidance and certainty and turns your chaotic recovery process into a clear PLAN


Clear audio lessons

Just have a seat or lie down, ad press play


Hands-on exercises

Exercises ensure that you can apply the new techniques and insights in your own life


Simple animations

Difficult matter is explained in a nice and simple way


Step-by-step program

The step-by-step program gives you guidance and certainty and turns your chaotic recovery process into a clear PLAN

Herstelprogramma Burnout


Clear audio lessons

Just sit or lie down and press play

Herstelprogramma Burnout


Simple animations

Difficult matter is explained in a nice and simple way

Herstelprogramma Burnout


Practical exercises

Exercises ensure that you can apply the new techniques and insights in your own life:

Herstelprogramma Burnout


The Science of Camp Burnout

Camp Burnout is a step-by-step program, composed of proven techniques from:

Camp Burnout is built around the lessons of people who have already recovered from their overstrain or burnout. In this way you learn in the most effective way how you can get out of your overstrain or burnout, speed up your recovery and avoid making the same mistakes. For example, in the program you will learn how to manage your energy successfully, how to prevent things from becoming ’too much’ and how to successfully deal with your loved one, friends and family during your recovery.

Psychology already knows a lot about stress and burnout. Camp Burnout has collected that knowledge, filtered it, translated it into patient language and put it in order, so that you can easily implement it in your life.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy that teaches you to look at and deal with problematic situations differently. Cognitive behavioral therapy assumes that problems are created by and maintained by a person’s thoughts and behavior. That is why you will receive CBT exercises at Camp Burnout, with which you can challenge your often irrational thoughts and behavior.

In Camp Burnout much use is made of Mindfulness and meditation techniques. These techniques and insights are particularly relevant to restore the disturbed relationship between body and mind. During the program you will learn to meditate and to implement lessons from Mindfulness in your daily life.

Herstelprogramma Burnout


The Science of Camp Burnout

Camp Burnout is a step-by-step program, composed of proven techniques from:

  • Psychology

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy

  • Mindfulness/Meditation

  • In combination with very practical tools, insights and tips from people who have already recovered from burnout.

‘I’ve been in a burnout for 10 months now and I wonder why no one recommended this program to me before. This helps me more than many conversations with psychologists and doctors.’


‘I’ve been in a burnout for 10 months now and I wonder why no one recommended this program to me before. This helps me more than many conversations with psychologists and doctors.’



Back to a happy life in 5 simple steps


This is the online program

Back to a happy life in 5 simple steps

Just as the body will only recover from a broken leg if you put a plaster cast on it and you start walking with crutches, your body will only start recovering from overstrain/burnout if you meet the Conditions for Recovery. The three Conditions for Recovery “unlock” the internal healing processes in your body, as it were. If you don’t unlock your recovery, you can sit on the couch for a year, but nothing will happen.

One of the best ways to make your recovery more effective (and therefore shorter) is to create the optimal conditions for recovery. You do this through a set of temporary rules of life. We teach you how to create those conditions in the program. It may take a while, but if you stick to this set of precepts, you will significantly shorten your recovery time.

You may not realize it, but your body is exhausted and quite angry with your brain. The disruption of this relationship is currently responsible for most of your problems (tension, physical pain, gloom, loss of control, and much more). In the program you will learn exactly how to restore this relationship with simple meditation/mindfulness techniques.

You may know that your destructive habits like perfection, need for control and over-responsibility caused you to suffer from overstrain or burnout. But what you may not know is that your habits can also sabotage your recovery process, taking much longer than necessary and with a constant risk of relapse. So one of the best ways to recover more efficiently and sustainably is to change your destructive habits and beliefs. In the program you will learn a simple way to tackle your beliefs, after which your habits will follow naturally.

Reintegrating after overstrain/burnout does not mean picking up your ‘old life’ again. It means starting a new life. During this step we help you to do this successfully, and at the same time we help you to become ‘patient-finished’. You will discover how to leave your limitations behind, boost your self-confidence and learn to trust your body and mind again.


Your guide to a happy, light life

Herstelprogramma Burnout
  • Completely online and mobile-first, so you can work on your recovery anytime, anywhere

  • Shorten your recovery time and get your life back as soon as possible

  • Finally regain control of your situation

  • Know what to DO to get better

  • Don’t wait for the psychologist, but control the speed of your recovery

  • Iemand die je volledig begrijpt, altijd een supporter bij de hand

  • De beste hulp bij burnout of overspanning

Herstelprogramma Burnout


Your guide to a great, light life

  • Fully online course and mobile-first, so you can work on your recovery whenever, wherever.

  • Shortens your recovery time and helps you get back your light life

  • Finally, CONTROL over your situation

  • Know what to DO to get better

  • Don’t wait for the therapist, but recover at your own pace

  • Somebody that completely understands your situation, always a supporter close-by

  • The best help for burnout or chronic stress



Ready to leave burnout or chronic stress behind?

Ready to leave burnout of chronic stress behind?

Camp Burnout Recovery Program

Full year acces to the entire program (not that you’ll need a year)

To give more people the opportunity to work on their mental health during the COVID pandemic, not the regular price of 149,- but:



(incl VAT. And yes, one year acces to Camp Burnout is cheaper than a one-time visit to the therapist. So money well spent.

Herstelprogramma Burnout

‘Finally someone that tells me how to get better’

‘’Finally someone that tells me how to get better’